The “Trickle Down” Lie

The "Trickle Down" Lie

Give more money to the money people via tax reductions and they will invest into the economy and the success will trickle down to the job people: in more jobs, higher pay (raises), and better benefits.  The myth, lie, started in 1980 with the election of people who believed Trickle Down was a truth.  It really was a plan to wipe out progressive and inheritance taxing practices that allow the rich to get richer.  Executive salaries grew to $1,000,000’s instead of $100,000 ‘s and unions become weaker.

The successes of Trickle Down, distribution of profits, went to the top 10%, especially the top 1%, and it was taken from the Bottom 50% especially the bottom 20%.  The people who believed the “Trickle Down” Lie were in the percentile of 60% to 90%, by casting their vote for this Trickle-Down Lie.