Thinking Aloud about the last 42 years of politics

The Slopping Path                              

It all began some time ago with a man named Ronald in 1980, followed by the phenomenon known as The Hawker Rush. Ronald shifted his allegiance from labor unions to capitalism, influenced by a woman and a wealthy stepfather who guided him down the sloping path toward a new belief system. At this point, The Hawker Rush was an entertainer chasing fame and fortune, candidly expressing his ambitions in his early days. By the time he reached the bottom of the path, he had morphed into a Believer, solidified in this role by wealth and notoriety, leaving behind his initial aspirations.

Bush-One emerged as an honest conservative who genuinely cared about people’s welfare and conservative principles. However, his bid for reelection turned disastrous due to the formidable opposition from Ross and the charismatic, street-smart figure known as Bill— the “hound dog” from the South. While Bush-One found himself on the sloping path, he lacked the opportunity to turn back or alter course. He ultimately concluded his unsuccessful reelection campaign with a notable act of clemency—a pardon for Caspar Weinberger.

Meanwhile, Bill found his own way, aligning himself with the money-driven crowd. Intelligent strategies do not always serve the interests of the common person; perspectives can shift dramatically when one reaches the top and gazes down from the penthouse balcony. Neo-liberalism often fails to recognize that the prosperity of the wealthy does not trickle down to the average citizen. If a practice is genuinely beneficial for the populace, it should take root in the ground and bear fruit accessible to all.

Then came Bush-Two—not through his own efforts, but via the cunning and execution skills of Karl, who worked tirelessly at the grassroots level. Karl effectively capitalized on the foundations that earlier Believers had laid at the bottom of the sloping path. At that foundation resided the Money Accumulators, working diligently to fortify their causes by employing lobbyists to push back against progressive taxation on personal income and large inheritances—a trend initiated by Ronald.

It’s important to remember that Bush-Two did not win the popular vote. James Baker orchestrated a rally of supporters, creating a situation that led the Supreme Court to rule in Bush-Two’s favor, preventing a recount in Florida. At the bottom of this path lay an army of Propagandized Believers, eager for victory for their own reasons—like lower taxes, a rigid interpretation of the right to life, an unwavering belief in American superiority, and the perceived constitutional right to own assault rifles—all fostering a narrative aimed at mainstreaming conservative ideologies.

These Propagandized Believers, motivated by singular issues, were expertly guided to the Bottom of the Sloping Path, where they executed plans aligned with the Money Accumulators. These Accumulators focused on maintaining every penny they earned, benefiting from tax breaks that further entrenched their wealth, often to the detriment of the everyday citizen, including the very Propagandized Believers among them.

The workers of this propaganda movement were already hard at work. Figures like Newt were effectively mobilizing grassroots efforts, while Murdoch was investing in media outlets to sway public opinion along the sloping path, all while profiting. The wealthy were creating television channels dedicated to the stock market, adapting to a landscape where ordinary people’s pension funds had largely become IRA and 401(k) accounts, often tied to individual ownership rather than profit-sharing.

Back to Karl, who, now joined by Frank, discovered the ideal language to transform voters into Bottom-of-the-Sloping-Path Believers. These masters of messaging handpicked words that would resonate deeply within the propaganda machinery, ensuring that politicians adopted the rhetoric necessary for re-election. Bush-Two, a generally likable figure, found success not through a genuine alignment with these Beliefs but rather through a lack of foresight and bravery, managing to secure two terms in office.

The Bottom Believers received a steady diet of curated information via Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, various cable business channels, and radio shows. In 2008, Obama introduced the Affordable Care Act, accompanied by a period where the Senate protected the beliefs of these Bottom Believers.

In 2016, Donald Trump emerged, a figure utterly detached from the realities of ordinary life. His grasp of issues was limited and devoid of genuine understanding. However, a uniquely self-serving “Trump Monster” thrived among the Bottom Believers—an entity who, despite lacking awareness of the nuances within the world of Money Accumulators, played upon their fears and conspiracies.

Trump adeptly exploited propaganda, using social media to amplify his self-serving narratives, aided unwittingly by a media landscape that often acted as his echo chamber. He understood how to manipulate public sentiment, establishing himself as a formidable presence among these Bottom Believers.

So who truly understands the needs of “We the People,” which includes those residing at the Bottom of the Sloping Path?

After being save by Joe for 4 years, THEN Sadness comes… Propaganda Wins Again in 2024…. Trump on steroids…      ☹  .. NOW I WISH THERE WAS A GOD to help humanity.

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