When PROFIT is the goal and not the COMMUNITY of people then bad things will happen to the community, you and me. When taxes are reduced for the individual and the corporations then most of the money goes to the rich people. Most of the reduced taxes go to the top 1% and then practically all the rest of that saving go to the next 19%. Remember reducing taxes takes money from us, you and me. The Peoples share that would have been used for roads, parks, law enforcement, schools, health care, community disasters and other community services.

Government is the common vehicle for us the people to solve our common community problems. There may be problems with government, but the problem is not “the government” it is not solving the problems. The reasons why the problems are not being solved is the question. The problems vary, such as, incompetence of government employees or corruption. The problem is not government. If the people have a problem to get from this island to that island, you do not solve the problem by sinking the ship. The solutions are repairing the ship, rebuilding the ship, improving the crew, changing the crew, or changing from sail to motor. The problem is not solved by destroying the ship. The people’s ship is their government. The government is our ship to meet community needs. Asking private enterprise to solve the problem is not a reasonable solution because their goal is PROFIT not people. Remember we have a vote in government. We do not have a vote in the private enterprise. We can demand transparency from government not from corporations. The city government is you and me. The private enterprise is next to impossible to stop from cheating the people, because profit must be first. The corrections to our community problems are electing people who will work in cooperation.

What is excessive profit? The sign of excess is when one single person builds a yacht that cost 1/2 billion dollars and owns a 10,000 square foot home or owning more than three homes or a single person being able to purchase a single company for billions of dollars. The accident of being born at a lucky time and the accident of having a talent, such as, musician or athlete. Those two fortunate accidents should not allow a person to make an excessive profit.

Excessive Profit and excessive accumulation are controlled by Taxation. Remember, they make their Excessive Profits from you and me. Taxation of excessive profit is a tool to stop the stealing from you and me, the community is first not profit. Taxation is the practice of distributing justice for the people. To call taxation a re-distribution of wealth is a misunderstanding of justice and just being fair. If government is not meeting the people’s needs with OUR tax dollars, then it is our problem to be solved. With the tools we the people have available such as transparency, paying attention, and getting the people who care about community to be elected. We must vote for people who believe in a practice of cooperation to solve common community problems.

The practice of working together aimed at a goal of caring for the community is the goal and not profit or fame or power.